
As a freelance journalist, Rachael has to work to strict briefs set by her editors. This means she can’t cover the wide range of stories pitched to her by PRs, brands and companies.

As a way to address this, and to help more businesses in the jewellery sector tell their stories to her engaged audience, she now offers collaborations through direct editorial partnerships.

Each collaboration will be tailored to the needs and personality of the company, and can range from a sponsored social media post to an article published on this website, or an online talk or in-person event.

All collaborations will be pushed out to Rachael’s audience on social media, and sponsored articles and events will be promoted to her mailing list.

Seal & Scribe


An engaged readership made up of watch and jewellery industry CEOs and executives, jewellery designers and company leaders, and passionate jewellery enthusiasts.


combined social media following


newsletter subscribers

What can I promote?

Brand profile

A great way to start. Introduce yourself through a dedicated interview that captures your personality or your company’s purpose and passion.


Do you have a service or product that could benefit others in the industry? Broadcast it to a ready-made audience of the key players in jewellery and watches.


Give a new collection a boost with a story that tells the origin story of your creations, and helps you to convey just what makes it so special.


Promote upcoming events or exhibitions, or book live coverage and a review of events that will put them on the radar and encourage visitors or customers.

Stores & workshops

Book a visit to your store or workshop to take readers into your world and get a better feel for how you work and where they can find you.


Find the talent you are looking for by promoting current job roles to an engaged industry audience, and raise the profile of your company as an employer.

"Working with Rachael on our first cohesive collection launch was a dream. She is not only a highly professional journalist, she is smart, tuned into what’s going on at any given moment in the jewellery world, and fun to work with. What stood out when working with Rachael is that she does not rely on electronic communications but rather does things the old school way – she interviews by phone, does follow ups, and really gets to know her subjects. This hands-on, humanistic approach really resonated with us, and it allowed her to present our new line with a fresh perspective, but also as if she’d been on the creative journey with us from the beginning. She also offered an Instagram Live chat, which was a great way for us to bring our new line directly into the homes of those who already knew us, and those who did not. Whether you are a large, well-established retail line, or a small independent designer, and whether you have your own PR team or not, Rachael’s expertise and insights are an invaluable addition and we will definitely be calling upon her for our next collection launch." 

— Shari Cohen, founder, Seal & Scribe


Presenting & talks

